Research Services

General Research Services

Members can rely on the assistance of the Museum & Library’s librarians to assist and direct them in advancing their research projects. If you are not a member, join today to take advantage of this service.

Genealogy Research


Accumulating and sharing our unparalleled collection of resources on military history is just half the battle — and the Museum & Library staff is proud to offer research services designed to help answer your questions and to break down those brick walls in your quest to discover your family legacy.  Membership is required to take advantage of this service.

Reading Room

Reading Room

History lives in the volumes of our exceptional rare book collection. The Museum & Library has over 3,000 rare books in its collection, including the Famiano Strada's De Bello Belgico which is also known as The History of the Low-Countrey Warres (London: 1650) and John Entick's The General History of the Late War: Containing It's Rise, Progress, and Event, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America (London: 1763).  Additionally, the collection includes a growing assortment of unit histories, such as Civil War regimentals; cruise books, like those from the USS Chicago and the USS Essex; and sheet music from WWI and WWII.Open for members by appointment only.

Archival Collections

Archival Materials

With over 250 archival collections that focus on the personal stories of citizen soldiers, the Museum & Library has materials related to service members in nearly every U.S. war, with our strengths being World War I, World War II, and U.S. Army service members. Our archives are open to the public by appointment only.