Commemorate Their Service™ Wall of Honor

Your Commemorate Their Service(TM) donation honors or remembers those in your life who served in the military with an entry on this Wall of Honor and in a book in the Museum & Library's circulating collection.

Honor Someone Today

Commemorate Their Service

Air Force

Derek DetjenIn Honor Of

Derek Detjen


U.S. Air Force


Honored by: Richard Roshto

Ginny NarseteIn Honor Of

Ginny Narsete

Master Sergeant, USAF (Retired)

U.S. Air Force

Vietnam War—Operation Enduring Freedom

Honored by: Pritzker Military Museum & Library

Stan MeadIn Memory Of

Stan Mead


U.S. Air Force

1976 - 1987

Memorial by: Lynn Julia Mead


Allen J. LynchIn Honor Of

Allen J. Lynch

Sergeant (Retired)

U.S. Army, U.S. Army Reserve, Illinois National Guard

1964 - 1994

Honored by: Colonel (IL) Jennifer N. Pritzker, IL ARNG (Retired) and Others

Anthony E. JannaceIn Memory Of

Anthony Jannace

Sergeant First Class

U.S. Army



Memorial by: William Jannace

Charles Hodgson HigginsIn Memory Of

Charles Hodgson Higgins


British Army

1914-1919 , 1940-1945

Memorial by: Rhonda Young and John Higgins

Corporal Chester KlopocinskiIn Memory Of

Chester J. (Klopocinski) Collins


U.S. Army Air Force

1943 - 1945

World War II

Memorial by: the children of Chester and Joyce Collins

Clayton Dale Otis In Memory Of

Clayton Dale Otis


U.S. Army


Memorial by: Eleanor Otis and Family

Coleman T. HoltIn Memory Of

Coleman T. Holt

Air Cadet

U.S. Army Air Force

1939 - 1945

Memorial by: Colette Holt and Others

David Emory SohnIn Memory Of

David Emory Sohn

Staff Sergeant

U.S. Army Air Force

1943 - 1945

Memorial by: Jeanne Sohn and Others

David HughesIn Memory Of

David Hughes

Command Sergeant Major

U.S. Army


Memorial by: Rhonda Young

Donald E. CaseyIn Memory Of

Donald E. Casey

2nd Lieutenant

U.S. Army Air Corps


Memorial by: The Pritzker Military Museum & Library and Many Others

Dr. J. Nick MarzellaIn Memory Of

Dr. J. Nick Marzella

U.S. Army


Memorial by: Ken Clarke

Earl FornaciariIn Memory Of

Earl Fornaciari

Private First Class

U.S. Army

1943 - 1946

World War II

Memorial by: James T. Fornaciari

Edward FennellIn Memory Of

Edward Fennell

Staff Sergeant

U.S. Army


Memorial by: Edward McCartin