Nathan M. Shippee, Major
A WWII veteran and Bronze Star recipient, Major Nathan M. Shippee's service is remembered by Patricia Shippee.
Commander of the 6thPort HQ Company under General Patton. As sub-port commander, he led the landings at Casablanca in 1942, and again at Salerno in 1942, and finally at Cavaliere in Southern France in 1944, where the French Navy at Toulon threatened the landing forces. He took a stealth group of three jeeps behind German lines, past Toulon, to the Rhode River, and down its mouth at Port-du-Bouc, where an underground tunnel through a mountain provided an entry into the Port of Marseilles. He organized and armed dock workers who the infiltrated the Port and caused an uprising within the City. When caught by surprise, the German forces soon surrendered. Three days later, Toulon also fell and the Allied Forces were released to join the rush to Paris. Following the liberation of Marseilles, the French Government decorated Major Nathan M. Shippee with L'Ordre du Merite Maritime medal. The U.S. Government awarded the Bronze Star medal to Major Shippee for Meritorious Achievement in Ground Operations Against the Enemy - September 1944 - May 1945.
Book dedicated: The Transportation Corps: Operations Overseas by Joseph Bykofsky