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Hershel "Woody" Williams Founders Award Remarks at the 2014 Liberty Gala
Woody Williams—a hero of the iconic Battle of Iwo Jima—was recognized with the 2014 Founder's Award for extraordinary contributions to the mission of the Pritzker Military Museum & Library and the preservation of the heritage of the Citizen Soldier, including donating his original presentation medal and official citation.
Like his Medal of Honor, Woody Williams spoke on the fact that he hopes to wear his award not just to represent himself and the Museum & Library but also as a tribute to the Gold Star Families; those who have lost loved ones giving the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
The Hershel "Woody" Williams Collection is featured prominently in the Museum & Library's exhibit dedicated to the Medal of Honor. It includes a citation and authentic Navy Medal of Honor issued to the former Marine. Learn more about Woody or view his official citation here.