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Eisenhower: a soldier's life
- Creator: D'Este, Carlo
Chronicles the Allied commander and future president's unlikely rise to power, tracing his impoverished youth as the son of pacifists, his West Point education, sometimes troubled marriage, toil under MacArthur in the Philippines, contributions to the War Department, and involvement in D-Day.
- OCLC #: 49861044
- ISBN #:
- 0805056866
- 9780805056860
- Call #: E836.D47 2002
- Publisher: New York : Henry Holt & Co., 2002.
- Edition:
- 1st ed.
- Physical Description: xi, 848 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm
- General Notes:
- "A John Macrae book."
- Contents:
- I. The Eisenhowers, 1741-1909 : "Say Eisenhauer for ironcutter" ; The promised land ; "A good place for boys to grow into men" ; A young man's education
- II. The accidental soldier, 1910-16 : Abilene to West Point ; The long gray line ; "Popular but undistinguished" ; "1915, the summer Dwight came back from West Point" ; Miss Mamie Doud
- III. World War I, 1917-19 : Roses have thorns ; "I ... will make up for this" ; "A journey through darkest America" ; A friendship forged
- IV. The interwar years, 1920-39 : "The man who made Eisenhower" ; "A watershed in my life" ; Fort Benning, Washington, and France, 1926-29 ; "Nothing short of a genius" ; The indispensable staff officer ; "Shame! Shame!" ; Toiling for MacArthur ; Mission impossible ; "I'm a soldier. I'm going home."
- V. The United States prepares for war, 1940-42 : "This work is fun!" ; Third Army chief of staff ; Marshall's protégé ; "I'm going to command the whole shebang" ; The architect of cooperation ; An unlikely friendship ; Sailing a dangerous sea
- VI. A general's education: the Mediterranean, 1942-43 : "I am nothing but a soldier" ; "The dreariest chapter in the history of allied collaboration" ; Four stars ; "Ikus Africanus" ; Monty and Alex ; "What in hell does Eisenhower command?" ; "Everything that planning should not be ; "A grinding war of attrition" ; "Who will command Overlord?"
- VII. The invasion of Europe, 1944 : Supreme allied commander ; "A monument to the imagination of British and American planners" ; "O.K., we'll go" ; "I thank the gods of war we went when we did" ; The battle for Normandy ; "Dear Ike, to-day I spat in the Seine" ; Triumph and controversy
- VIII. Crisis in command: Normandy to the Elbe, 1944-45 : "A tactician's hell and a quartermaster's purgatory" ; Which way to Germany? ; "Coins burning holes in SHAEF's pocket" ; The autumn stalemate ; "There will be only cheerful faces at this conference table" ; "If I can keep the team together, anything's worth it" ; The invasion of Germany ; All roads lead to Berlin ; Armageddon.
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